Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why is it that so many people seem to think all young adults are incapable of rational thought?
Especially snooty adults. Scratch that. Snooty teachers.

Look. A lot of teens have brains. Brains that aren't gonna be demolished by a couple of stray hormones. In fact, sometimes they actually stimulate us, if you can believe it! If someone is in a position of power in a student body, chances are, (s)he should be, and (s)he can make the right calls. That person is probably chosen for his (for convenience's sake, not sexism, let's call it a he) talents, leadership skills and THINKING ABILITIES. Even if he doesn't possess these three (and who are we kidding, a lot of adults don't) he always has his trusty committee members to aid him.

Some adults don't even have the same level of clear thinking as a teen!

And have you noticed that there are just as many, if not more adult wrongdoers as there are YAs? Helll-lloooooo!

The youth generation has the ability to make the difference, to improve the world. Teens have brilliant ideas because as of yet, the older generation hasn't molded them into its own ideals. Teens, they're the change agents. Can people stop stamping the thought that teens need more control than adults into us, eroding their creativity? Because personally, I think we need but just as much.

Then again, what do I know? I'm just a teen.

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