Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer solstice has past, and the rain gods have decided, once again, that we are worthy enough to be watered; they are done with their tempting and taunting, done with greying the sky and shocking the Earth, only to leave without giving a drop of what they hold.

A.K.A, it's been raining at last.

I've kept to my promises, and the results have shown earlier than I expected. I hadn't even made them at the time.
Ever since I began with my resolutions, I've found that my memory, when it come to classes, is improving. Whoopee.


Today was productive, but in a rather boring way. I managed to get rid of my boredom, though, by writing a li'l.
Total randomness - it was pretty much make-it-up-as-I-go-along.

A writer, a travelling journalist
Penning his story in hues of acryllic.
Quilting the pieces of his hardship
With a thread of song.
Or a designer, perhaps an architect
Drawing the plans and schemes with a twitch of the reins.
Bending the laws of gravity,
To suit his taste.
But, for now, a child
An adult. Something in between.
A faithful friend, an eager pupil
Full of hopes and dreams.
That is who I am.
Who I am to be remains to be seen.


I think I'll write a poem on Michael Jackson. He's got a very poetic story. Mourning for him now.

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